
Q.  What if I miss a PDC class?
A.   As a teacher of permaculture, I have an ethical duty to provide a consistently quality experience for my students.  Sometimes “life happens” and a student will miss a day or more of a PDC class series.  In order to help my students be successful in their pursuit of a PDC, I will help a student make up one missed class day by providing the materials through handouts, reading, videos, and/or experiences.  The student is obliged to invest time in reviewing the material(s) and subsequently demonstrate to me an understanding of the subject matter.  When a student misses more than one class of the PDC series, the student may continue to attend the series and will need to make up the missed day(s) at a subsequent PDC course prior to earning a certificate.  Perspective being what it is, if you’re the student missing the classes you may judge this as pesky; if you’re the student who has attended every class, sometimes even when challenged to do so, you may judge this as fair.

Q. Can I bring my children?
Trust me as a mom, a PDC is b-o-r-i-n-g for small children, which means you will have to spend several hours of the day engaging with your child and missing important information that you will need to know.  Maybe you can trade child care during the class for a garden design later.  Your interested teen may attend the class as a student by completing the registration steps.

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